Sunday, November 29, 2009

Whats the best/most useful program for taking lecture notes in class on a macbook?

I just recently bought a macbook and bought iworks 08 for it as well. I really like the "notebook" template in microsoft mac office, but I don't want to shell out another $140 to get the full version of it. Is there anyway to get a notebook like template on iworks? if not, what would you recommend? I mainly just want something that I can easily enter notes on, and keep track of by date and subject for my various classes. Being able to search through the notes for specfic information, as well as being able to easily print them out would be nice as well. I mention liking the notebook template on microsoft office word for mac, because it seems to be really easy to use/setup. I'd love to hear any experiences/suggestions on programs, or perhaps a something similar that won't cost me over $100...... Thanks!

Whats the best/most useful program for taking lecture notes in class on a macbook?microsoft

i have a mac too but bought the microsoft office thing. i dont know of anything better but trust me, its worth it.

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