Friday, November 27, 2009

My very first Resume???

I am making my first resume and I am using a template from microsoft office 2007. The only thing I am not sure about is whether or not to include my college in progress. I am a Human Resources Major. So under education do I put my high school and then college information and like put (in progress) or what??

My very first Resume???windows xp

yes put it! to show that you are educated. Just put like:

somewhere university

human resources major

may 2006 - current

My very first Resume???microsoft office 2007 internet explorer

YES include your in progress....write the date you started then 2003-present

then in the bullet or underneath mark the intended date of graduation.
You should put your hs %26amp; that you graduated %26amp; the year, then also under education put your college %26amp; years attended. For example, Name of college, Major, Years Attended: 2004-present, and Expected Graduation Date.

Good luck.
Put college then highschool below that two questions: How far along in school are you and if you are in school why are you applying to businesses that require resumes?

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