Sunday, November 29, 2009

Any Computer Geeks Out There Know Anything About Thumbnail Drives And Microsoft Word?

I have a speech to do for college and my teacher emailed me an outline template as an attachment. I've completed the outline thrice using the template. The first time I saved the outline to Word 2007 and lost it because it was a trial period. The second time I saved it to Word 2003 and it deleted it. The third time I saved it to Word 2003 and a thumbnail drive and it deleted from both for no reason. Getting really flustrated by now. If someone could help I'd really appreciate it.

Any Computer Geeks Out There Know Anything About Thumbnail Drives And Microsoft Word?windows xp service

The first thing you need to do is seperate the outline from the email. Open your Email Program and right click on the Attachment and select SAVE AS. And save it in MY Documents.

Then open Word2003. Click on File %26gt; Open and open the outline.

Fill in the outline and click on File then on SAVE AS and save the new document under a Different Name.

Save it in MY Documents.

Any Computer Geeks Out There Know Anything About Thumbnail Drives And Microsoft Word?microsoft xp internet explorer

I think when you open it click "Save as" and when it tells you the name under it the an option click it and find "word document"

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