Sunday, November 29, 2009

I desperately want this picture as to use in Publisher but its a Powerpoint Template. How do i get i

I desperately want this picture as to use in Publisher but its a Powerpoint Template. How do i get it?windows vista

Try right clicking it and clicking on Save picture as.....It depends on what you need it for, If you need it for a background pic you may need to resize it. I recomend Irfranview for this as it resizes pictures without changing them.

I desperately want this picture as to use in Publisher but its a Powerpoint Template. How do i get it?windows defender internet explorer

Hit the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard. Then paste the screenshot in paint and crop out the part which you want.
change the extension of the file from .ppt (PowerPoint template) to .pps (PowerPoint show)

You will then be able to copy and paste material (including pictures) from the individual slides
May be easier use full templates like this?

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