Sunday, November 29, 2009

Having trouble with my outlook emails.?

I use outlook every night at work to pass certain info on to another shift. My problem is I use a microsoft word template and i copy and paste everything to my outlook e-mail. Everything looks good when it is in there but once it is sent everything looks all goofy in the recipients copy. Can somebody tell me why this happens and what can i do to fix it? Thank you!

Having trouble with my outlook emails.?windows themes

Microsoft Word puts invisible formatting in it's text, so when it is copied over to another program the formatting is still there, you just can't see it until it is actually sent. The best way to get around this is to copy the text into a Notepad document, which will strip the text of all formatting, and then paste into your Outlook email. From the email, you can format the text any way you like. Hope that helps :)

Having trouble with my outlook emails.?internet explorer 7 internet explorer

Word is a terrible program with it's own coding. If these aren't charts or anything, can you copy what is in Word, paste it into notepad, then copy it from notepad to Outlook? that's what I would try.
file and then view before sending it...sounds like you may be making a lot of hard returns...don't ask me to define it..

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