Sunday, November 29, 2009

How do I make a .jpg part of the permanent background in Powerpoint?

Instead of having the basic design templates that Microsoft has I want to use a picture (.jpg) as the permanent background design. How do I do that? Real specific instructions would be much appreciated.

How do I make a .jpg part of the permanent background in Powerpoint?internet explorer

Based on which version of PowerPoint you are using, your results may vary. This is how it works in Office 2000 and 2003:

Click on View -%26gt; Master -%26gt; Slide Master.

Right-click on the slide background and select "Background"

From the pull-down menu select "Fill effects"

Click on the Picture tab

Click on Select Picture

Load in the picture you want as background and click "OK"

Click on "Apply to All"

To get back to your slide show, click on "Close Master View" in the floating toolbar that should've opened when you loaded the slide master editor.

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