Friday, November 27, 2009

Active X Control?

I am trying to download a Party Invitation template from I am using windows XP on my computer, but it won't let me download it. It is asking me to "Adjust internet explorer settings to allow the installation or use of the ActiveX Control". This is gibberish to me, could someone please tell me step by step what I need to do here? Where I need to go on my comp and what buttons to press (PC illiterate)? Thanks.

Active X Control?web browser

# Select Tools, then Internet Options from the menu at the top of the Internet Explorer window. The Internet Options window will appear.

# Select Security from the list of tabs at the top of the Internet Options window. The Security tab will appear.

# Select the Custom Level button. The Security Settings window will appear.

# Scroll down to the Download signed ActiveX controls entry and select the prompt radio button.

# Scroll down to the Run ActiveX controls and plugins entry and select the enabled radio button.

# Select the OK button to accept the changes

Active X Control?windows installer internet explorer

While ActiveX is a useful technology, the downside is that you need to have a up-to-date version ActiveX installed on your machine in order to use ActiveX-enabled content.

Go to the page below to test whether you have your browser properly configured to download, authenticate, install, and display ActiveX controls, and manipulate them with JavaScript.

If it is not working properly, there are instructions to get active x enabled.
While most active content contained in Web pages is safe, some Web pages contain active content that can potentially cause security problems on your computer. For example, an ActiveX control that runs automatically when you load a particular Web page might damage your data or cause your computer to become infected with a virus. Internet Explorer uses safety levels for active content to help prevent this situation from occurring.

Ps read this as well
Okay. Not too difficult, but bare with me here. When you're in your browser (your internet screen), go to the top menu and click on tools, in the list there will be an option called "internet options." A menu should pop up that has a lot of different options on it, there should be a tab or icon that says privacy settings or security. Click on one of those. One of these should have your security settings, you should lower it (but not too much!), so that your computer can download the active x control which is a primary add-on that every computer uses. If this all to confusing, there should be an option that asks if you want to download the active x control when the message appears. If it does, just click yes.

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